We finally got a piece of the pie. we might as well say Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Won't you be my neighbor We're gonna do it. On your mark get set and go now Got a dream and we just know.
Now we're gonna make our dream come true. You wanna be where you can see our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody.
Time | Price per Vehicle | No of Persons | Vechile | Duration |
10:00AM To 02:00PM | 4000.00 INR | 1 -6 persons | 4X4 Maruti Gypsy | 04H:00M |
This Activity is Booked only if you are stayiing in Aravali Nature Camp or any associated property of Jawai.
Person above 50 years age is not allowed in this acitivity.
Do not take pictures of tribal people without Driver or local guide permision.
Pick and drop from your hotel inside Jawai area is completly Free. List of Hotels inside Jawai
Into the tribe Activity is only confirmed on 100% advance payment.
Book This activity in Monsoon and winter only.
Booking done online is prefer first to get vehicles in Training.
Maximum 5-6 persons can occupay seats in Single Vechile for this Activity.
Cancellation of Safari Before 30days, 10% of total amount will be deducted and rest of the amount will be refund.
Cancellation between 30 days to 15 days, 20% of total amount will be deducted and rest of the amount will be refund.
Cancellation between 15days to 07 days, then 50% of total amount will be deducted and rest of the amount will be refund.
Cancellation before 1days to 07 days, then 100% amount will be deducted.